You’ve worked really hard to get that promotion and you SOOOOOO deserve it!!!
Now you’re faced with all eyes on you. Everyone wants to see what you’re made of and if you’re really cut out for the role. You were an excellent employee, a great team player and diligent in business and now you’ve got to step up your game even more.
What can be more intimidating than your former colleagues and team members looking at you with eyes of envy; wondering how you got picked over them and do you really deserve the promotion more than they do?
You may be feeling a bit uncomfortable, asking yourself, did I make the right decision to accept this promotion? If you didn’t deserve it, it wouldn’t have been offered to you. Someone recognized your worth and potential even if you didn’t.
It’s understandable to feel a little overwhelmed but don’t fret because
YOU'VE GOT THIS. You’ve got to know that every stepping stone requires new challenges, and with every new challenge is an opportunity for growth.
With power and prestige comes greater responsibility, so FACE YOUR GIANTS with confidence in knowing YOU ARE the right man/woman for the job.
Here’s what you should do:
1) Work on doing your very best but don’t forget what you’ve have already accomplished to arrive where you are.
2) Give yourself room to grow, embrace mistakes as a learning opportunity (nobody’s perfect)
3) Keep pushing for better/greater. if you have haters then you must be doing something right.
4) Embrace your achievements/accomplishments with excitement.
5) Know you’re stronger and more resilient than you think.
This is……
Your time
Your season
Your moment ------------------TO SHINE!!
My Best To You Always
Some of you may remember a 1980 perfume commercial that featured this sensual woman holding a wad of cash, a frying pan and then spraying herself with perfume as she strutted on screen singing:
‘I can bring home the bacon
Fry it up in a pan
And never ever let you forget you’re a man
Cause I’m a woman……’
We have to give a girl her accolades when she’s having to juggle between work and home life. It takes perseverance, determination, persistence, a bit of charisma and a whole lot of “I’m not backing down, dog gone-it!”…. If you can relate, holla back at me.
Women seem to be natural born multitaskers. A married woman & mother has a role of wife, mother, cook, bookkeeper, taxi driver, tutor, motivation coach, pet groomer, housekeeper, coupon collector, family counselor and support coach for family and friends. The single woman/mom has to carry this and more, without financial, physical or emotional support and I’m pretty sure I left some things out too
Yet, you ladies have gotten your routine down MILITARY STYLE and without breaking a sweat. After all, your multitasking skills are in use EVERY…. GOSH - DARN - DAY!
In fact, you can fit 15 different things into one hour. Let me remind you (although you don’t need it) that you face challenges on a continuous basis.
In case anyone wants to doubt your capabilities, remind them of what you have to tackle every day……. YOU
►Get the kids up and ready for school, cook breakfast, Iron their clothes, help hubby find a tie to match his suite. Oh, we mustn’t forget to let the dog out to take care of business, while you try and keep the cat from scratching your new furniture.
►Oh no!……, right as everyone is walking out the door, one of your darlin kids manage to spill juice all over their clothes and you have less than a minute to find another outfit; praying it doesn’t need ironing because, what kind of mother would you be to let your children go to school looking like orphans, right?
►Finally, after dropping the kids at school, you’ve made it to work just in time to put out fires, while making sure you keep the boss and your customers/clients happy; and you’re just getting started on an eight hour day.
►It’s the end of the day. You’re tired and drained yet still you have so much more on your plate with picking up the kids, making a dash to the grocery store for tonight’s meal preparation. You’re juggling dinner, the laundry and helping with homework simultaneously.
►Meanwhile, hubby needs to vent about his stressful day at work (don’t even get me started- did he say stressful? yah right). You still have to walk the dog, feed the cat, and wash the dishes before bed.
►Nope, you’re not done…… just as you’re winding down for the day, hubby needs some TLC (and we’re going to leave it right there) and lucky you, because you get to relive this routine all over again tomorrow, Hooray!!!.
Whew, I’m tired just thinking about all of this. How do you do it ladies?
Listen Ms. Fabulous, that’s right you’re “Fab-u-lous”!!!
You’re made for this, in fact you’ve been in training for years, juggling home, family and work and the in-betweens. So, DON’T ----- YOU ----- EVER question who you are. You know what to do…………
Be Your Best Always
As a Radio Talk Show Host, I teamed up with a company to host a famous TV Celebrity from Hollywood. She was making a guest appearance at a fundraising event. Her Publicist was quite adamant I made sure we stuck to the proposed schedule and ‘by-golly’ I was going to make that happen. She had few appearance that day, so I ran that schedule like a well-oiled machine.
At the end of the evening, I tried apologizing for ‘being so pushy all day’ (because I know I can be) about keeping to the schedule, but before I could get my apology out she interrupted me, ”Please don’t apologize. In my line of work, one minute could cost you a million dollars.“
Business owners, corporate heads/leaders know all too well that “time is money”. It may not be million dollars a minute, but one thing is for certain wasted time, lag time, overtime or no time ------ all affect the “BOTTOMLINE”. Unfortunately, some employees don’t understand this. All that matters to them is collecting their paycheck at the end of the week. “Here they goes again telling us to get the work done faster”. Guess what darlin?
The more productive you are, the less time it will take, and the less money we lose. “Are we clear?” But Jane Doe and Billy Bob doesn’t know and probably don’t care that you built this business and made it where you are with blood, sweat and tears; the long nights you spent trying to figure out how to make it work or the stressful days “put out fires”. You pushed for perfection, no matter how much and how long it took. Does this sound a bit like what you went through? I know, I’ve been there.
If your employees/workers don’t show the kind of motivation and initiative you’re expecting, kindly show them the door. It’s nothing personal.
Three key points:
*Properly and thoroughly vet and train your staff.
*Manage or hire a team that will ensure employees meet your expectations (no short-cuts).
*Eliminate anyone who does not meet your standards of operation and efficiency because you don’t have time or money to waste. Time Is Money ---------You Snooze, You Lose.
Until the next confession………..
Be Your Best Always
You'd be surprised how many people in this world do not know who they are and what talents and gifts lie within them. Some people will spend years working the same jobs they don't like, caring for people they rather be away from, complaining about being unhappy they are with themselves but won’t take steps toward change.
■Have you given up on seeing great chances happen for yourself?
■Do you feel as if life has past you by and now you're just here on this earth but not really living? That's not what God intended for us. He said he came to give life and more abundant life (John 10:10).
If you're not happy with who you are or how you look work on changing it:
►color your hair or wear a new wig, go to the gym, exercise or change your eating habits. Read inspirational and self-help books or better yet, write your own memoirs,
■Not happy with where you live?
If you can't move yet, make small changes to improve on the space around you to create a more pleasant and inviting surrounding until you can.
►Plant flowers, paint a room, change the position of the furniture, add a painting, change the lighting to set a different mood or simple take walks or bike rides to the park.
■Not happy with your job?
Do what it takes to get a better one:
►Go back to school, learn a new trade, apply for something a little better or different position than what you’re used to. You'd be surprised how many employers are willing to hire and train a person with less experience and sometimes none at all. Some employers don’t want a “know it all” they want a worker who’s teachable and willing to learn.
■What Are You Waiting For?
Stop waiting for your life to change and make the necessary changes.
You are not hear just to make everyone else around you happy, you are supposed to be happy too.
Change can be uncomfortable and isn't aways easy, but even if it's gradual ones, it's still change none-the-less. If you’re married and your spouse has a hard time embracing your ideas or goals, give them time. Honestly, if they truly love you they should want to see you reach your goals, and be open to seeing a better you; inside and out and especially if they will benefit from it. True love and genuine support always supports improvements for the better.
If they don't like the new you, then perhaps they too could use a bit of change too.
Be a better you no matter what.
Only a few short weeks ago you and your besties were celebrating your new job. But deep down you’re already planning your existing strategy. So, let’s be frank for a moment. You’ve known from the beginning this was not what you wanted, but you decided that “desperate times calls for desperate measures”. Are does it?
Why are you wasting your gifts and talents on a job you don’t really like, knowing there’s absolutely nothing you enjoy doing. Everyone around you underestimate your capabilities and limit your potential?
Are you choosing to settle for less because you feel you have too? Because we know it’s not because it was LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT . Not sure, then here’s your test question: “(fill in your job title)_____________ How do I love thee?….Let me count the ways.”
WHA-A-A-T.. are you still stuck on number #1? ----I think “ The Job Is Just Not That Into You”.
If it’s not giving back what you’ve put into it, then you’re with the wrong one, sorry.
Let me ask you these questions:
♦When you walk into your job does your insides scream “OMG I just love being here !”
♦Are your co-workers a dream, everything you expected?
♦Maybe you found your new BFF or work wife/husband and you all have lunch together every day….Or….. are those backstabbing %#?#$@ always talking about you every chance they get and trying to steal your work so they can gain more points with the boss?
♦Do you stare at the clock, while counting down the time before you have to leave and when you do, you’re getting out of there faster than a road runner, leaving a trail smoke as you go?
Don’t despair, there is one out there just for you,with your name on it. You’ll know it because when the two of you meet, you’ll feel a crazy kind of tinkling sensation just knowing, it’s the one. You’ll wake up every morning excitedly looking forward to your day. This one will bring out your best qualities, show you off for entrepreneur you are, maximize your potential and all while giving you the opportunity to exceed your own expectations.
You’ll get that warm and fuzzy feeling of belonging, knowing you are where you need to be, and while being refreshingly rewarded for your accomplishments. UGH…….are we still talking about a job or a date? Yep, it’s time to meet
‘THE RIGHT ONE’, that is, the right job tailored made just for you.
So, shake this one off as soon as you can because “THE JOB IS JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU”.
Until the next confession….
Be Your Best Always,
We all know the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood.” There’s a few versions to this story, but basically she was seen as an obedient little girl who was told by her mother to take goodies to her sick grandmother. She walked through the woods alone (you’ve got me there...I wouldn't). The story never suggested she had any issues with going by herself, not even when she met the wolf on her way. It wasn't until she got to the house and began questioning the wolf who was pretending to be grandmother that things took a turn.
As far as the wolf was concerned he had no problem swallowing up grandmother whole and then moving on to his next victim, Little Red Riding Hood. I didn't write this story, okay?
So, let’s take this to the Workplace:
The unspoken rule in the office was “stay in your lane”. This employee started questioning some decisions and brought it to the boss, thinking they would appreciate these suggestions. The first time they did it, they were brushed off by their superior, but the second time this boss showed his ‘wolf-like fangs’ and went straight for the jugular. He was known for devouring anyone who stood in his way or disagreed with him. It didn’t matter how ridiculous or illogical his instructions could be, you just followed and kept your mouth shut.
So, imagen the newbie’s shock when they were basically ‘swallowed whole’ right in front of everyone?
He likes doing it that way, it commands control and gives him a sense of superiority.
♦How dare you question your boss. You're not supposed to evaluate any decision they make.
♦Must you be reminded your opinion and suggestions doesn't matter? You're supposed to listen and do your work without questioning anything.
You've just come face to face with ‘THE BIG BAD WOLF’.
Fact Check 1: There are some leaders/managers who are intimidated by subordinates, their skills, experience, intelligence, etc. Keep in mind intimidation can grow to jealousy, jealously often yields cruelty and insensitivity, no matter how wonderful you are at your job. These leaders feel threaten and their ego is bigger than the building they’re housed in. It’s hard for them to embrace anyone’s skills or expertise if it is a threat to their own. They’re too busy drowning in their own inadequacies. All they can see is that you might outshine them or possibly take their job. Let me be clear, I am not telling you to question everything your leader/manager does. However, you shouldn’t allow anyone to dilute your abilities, no matter how far up the ‘food chain’ they are. THE BIG BAD WOLF doesn't know all your potential and they don’t want to know.
Fact Check 2: You know who you are and what you’re capable of regardless of how you’re treated and being overlooked. Keep being that smart, ambitious, fearless ‘go-getter’. Sooner than later, you will get noticed and be appreciated, and you will be handsomely rewarded.
Unlike the creature you may face every day, you don’t have to pretend or deceive. You know your stuff so allow your gifts and talents to SHINE through.
By the way, he didn’t have a happy ending, did he?
Until the next confession
Be Your Best Always
Expecting Different Results.’ (A. Einstein, NA & others)
Now there you go again, landing in the same job. You thought a change of venue with a few extra dollars would make you happier, but it hasn’t. You're doing the same things as before so basically; all you’ve done was move parallel but not upward.
Aren’t you tired of going in circles? You weren't happy with the last two positions, so what makes you think you’d be better off in this new one?
Be honest with yourself, It’s not the change
in location you truly want, is it?
You know you’ve been wanting to spread your wings higher and farther with launching your own business, but you’ve let fear keep you so grounded that you won’t take a chance.
Are you insane?...... No? but you're still going in circles.
ºWhat opportunities have you passed over? Stop stalling and launch out into deep waters – It’s all or nothing time for you.
Need to know if you’re ready? Do you have…..
The skills, experience, education, training, ingenuity, manageability, tenacity, determination and a whole lot of motivation, then It’s time to…….
Plan it, Move It, Work It, Launch It!
My best to you,
Small businesses that earn less than three million can be the hardest hit in a recession and/or inflation, but if you’ve been paying close attention, they always seem to manage and eventually pull themselves back into the race, it just may take them a little longer. What makes them thrive so often in adverse times is because they have learned every intricate part of who their staffers are and what they can or cannot do. Remember those mom and pop stores which lasted 25+ and then passed it onto their children and grandchildren. What did they do right?
More often than not, the ones at the time of the food chain in big infostructures/corporations don’t know much about their workers. Their hiring practice may be through advertising with online job sites or having an HR Department do most of the hiring and you know how that goes: resumes are received and reviewed, they do a quick 30 minute interview and then a decision is made. You might even administer a couple of short tests just to make sure the applicant is familiar with certain applications/programs. Unfortunately, this method never entirely provides an employer with everything they should know about their new applicant including all of their unrevealed skills assets or liabilities. . I call this “assembly-line hiring”.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but anyone can exaggerate their capabilities or hide inadequacies. If they’re really good at selling, watch out because they can easily sell a tree to someone who lives in a forest, if you get my drift. The question is, do you have a complete picture of who you’ve hired, skills, talents, attributes, and all they have to offer? If not, it’s like having money in a vault, but you don’t know the combination.
When a company hits a downturn guess who’s the first ones to be let go? How do you know you’re not getting rid of a valuable commodity? If you don’t find out, it’s like “throwing out the baby with the bathwater”.
Here’s what Lack of knowledge can do to a Business
■ Pay out are more than necessary in wage/salary.
■ Become dependent on certain employee(s) and fail to see other staffer’s skills that can
produce faster and better for far less.
■Hire more than what’s need to get the work done, basically paying out double or triple.
■Job responsibilities overlap and/or one employee is compensating for another’s inadequacies.
■Cutting back too soon and eliminating position that you will have to rehire for, and this is costly/.
■In an attempt to save money your cut backs has caused one or more employees to be overworked and
the quality of goods and services suffers.
■Underutilizing qualified employees who have stronger skilled levels but are misplaced in other roles.
♦How did this young man’s skills get overlook?
♦How did the other two employee’s shortcomings go unnoticed?
An ounce of prevention is always worth a pound of cure
Know your staff inside and out. You just may have a “diamond in the rough”.
Christine is quite personable, has strong people skills and is a high producer when it comes to making sales and building relationships with customers. They love her and she’s great at knowing how to get new commitments and repeat business. However, Christine had a lot of problems with record keeping, and reporting. Her spreadsheet had ripples of inconsistencies which always throws off the entire reporting system. Her supervisors where constantly having to pull away from what they’re doing to try and fix her problems. Yet she continued to make the same mistakes which was getting to be very costly. Management was at a crossroads as they anticipated terminating her employment, but she was a high producer and the best customer service representative on board. Letting her go could be disastrous and could mean losing primary accounts.
Assessment Review: I was hired to conduct individual and group assessment in Christine’s CS department and a couple others. After meeting with Christine and conducting a few assessments, it was determine she has certain deficits which affects her performance capabilities. Christine gets easily confused with numbers and with written communication. The assessments also revealed a learning disability, possibly dyslexia. Basically, it wouldn’t have mattered how many times her supervisors met with her to train and correct her mistakes. Christine will always experience problems with written communication and math composition because of her learning disability.
Recommended Solution: Since Christine is a high CS producer, she definitely needs to remain with the company and in that role, but be allowed to work closely with a clerical support person who will assist in recording and reporting her documentation. A clerical support person will devote 10 hours per week with Christine to upload data, edit and correct any reporting before it goes out, which is about the same amount of time it should normally take for a CS employee in that position. The clerical support person I suggested had strong utilizing skills with spreadsheets and knows how to get reporting done timely. The trade-off was that Christine be allowed to (improvise) substitute these 10 hours toward making sell calls for new and repeat customers. The extra time Christine devotes to customer service will allow her to bring in more business; thus, maximizing her skills where the company benefits the most.
Results: The company ended up with a much stronger customer base than before; increasing their monthly revenue by another 5% in less than two months by simply having Christine focus solely on her highest and best skills.
SUMMARY: Before you start spending more money or terminate to prevent losses, take an internal audit of your assets (staff).
►Critical Thinking Assessment
An assessment of one’s ability to think critically in a known and important roles for various professional occupations, particularly those where careful, analytical thinking is required for the job.
►Problem Solving Appraisal
Evaluation of problem solving and decision making potential in and around executive/management roles and professional areas which these traits and skills are in demand.
►Logistical Processing Profile
Assessing the employee’s Interrelationships within the company and Customer/Client Relationships
►Motivation and Skill Assessment and Inventory
A collective assessment measuring competency levels as it relates to motivation and skills to meet crucial requirements in a wide range of occupational categories
►Personality Profile
Identifies dimensions of personalities to determine one’s personal career choice fits within the scope of their career choice, lifestyle, and relationship factors.
We help to build and maximize your staff for optimum growth. For more information about contracting services reach out to Amy Campbell on LinkedInor email
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